Halloween II (1981) follows Laurie Strode who again battles for survival against her maniac killer brother Michael Myers even after death.
Village of the Damned (1995)
Village of the Damned (1995) is about town who has a mysterious blackout that causes the birth of 9 weird children with supernatural powers.
Christine (1983)
Christine (1983) is about a nerdy high school student, Arnie, who comes across and buys what seems to be a normal 1957 Plymouth but is it?
Halloween (2007)
Halloween (2007) is about the childhood of Michael Myers, his escape from the sanitarium, and coming back to kill on Halloween.
Vampires (1998)
Vampires (1998) follows the story of Jack Crow and his crew of vampire hunters who must hunt down the head vampire, Jan Valek before its too late.