Halloween II (1981) follows Laurie Strode who again battles for survival against her maniac killer brother Michael Myers even after death.
The House That Dripped Blood (1971)
The House That Dripped Blood (1971) is about a detective who is investigating a disappearance and is told stories about the previous tenants.
Hands Of The Ripper (1971)
Hands Of The Ripper (1971) is about a young girl who was possessed by her murderer father, Jack The Ripper, and randomly kills when triggered.
The Haunting Ruins of Craco Italy
The Haunting Ruins of Craco Italy is an idyllic cliffside that was bustling with life several natural disasters became its downfall.
How to make a monster (1958)
How to make a monster (1958) is about horror makeup designer, Pete Dumond, who gets fired and takes revenge on the movie studio.