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Banal (2019)
Banal (2019) follows a group of five teenage hikers climbing up a sacred mountain and encountering demonic forces along the way...
The Shortcut (2009)
The Shortcut (2009) is about two brothers who moved into a new town who discover a mysterious shortcut that contains a dark secret...
Twilight Vamps (2010)
Twilight Vamps (2010) is an erotic horror comedy film about a man who was left by his lesbian girlfriend and then meets Tabitha, who is secretly a vampire...
Pumpkinhead 2 (1994)
Pumpkinhead 2 (1994) follows Jenny and a group of teenagers who unknowingly summon a monster from the dead known as Pumpkinhead who is out for revenge...
Hollow Man (2000)
Hollow Man (2000) follows Sebastian and his medical crew who are tasked with making a person invisible but when things go wrong, Sebastian loses his sanity...
I’ll Take your Dead (2018)
I’ll take your Dead (2018) follows a butcher who disposes of dead bodies and his daughter who are tasked to dispose of a woman who turns out to be alive...
Alien: Resurrection (1997)
Alien: Resurrection (1997) follows Ellen Ripley as she is revived as a powerful human/alien hybrid clone as she must again battle the deadly aliens...
4/20 Massacre (2018)
4/20 Massacre (2018) is a story of five women who go camping in the woods to celebrate a friend's birthday, but it turns out to be a living nightmare...
The Appearance (2018)
The Appearance (2018) is a story of the Inquisitor who investigates the alleged 'witch' in a monastery where a death has occurred mysteriously...
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019) is a story of a boy who crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero, he proved to be something far more sinister...
Selfie From Hell (2018)
Selfie from Hell (2018) is a story of a woman who came to visit her sick cousin and after the visit, she starts to receive strange phone messages...
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986) follows the story of Ellen Ripley after the destruction of the Nostromo when she wakes up after a stasis into a new generation...
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Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018)
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018) follows Burt, who becomes infected by the land creatures and must find an antibody to cure his infection...
The Nursery (2018)
The Nursery (2018) is a story of Ranae who agrees to babysit for a family on Saturday night which turns into a confrontation with unspeakable horror...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) follows two brothers and their girlfriends take a road trip and found a secluded house of horrors...
Mara (2018)
Mara (2018) follows a girl named Sophie who wakes up, hears scary noises from her parents' bedroom and found her dad dead...
Kairo (2001)
Kairo (2001) follows the story of Michi and Ryosuke as they unravel the mysteries behind a website that seems to have unleashed ghosts into the human world...
April Fool’s Day (2008)
April Fool’s Day (2008) follows a group of friends whose prank leads to someone's death. A year after, someone is out for revenge...
The Reaping (2007)
The Reaping (2007) follows a former Christian missionary who proves miracles are works of science after her family is killed but one town changes her mind...
Eden Lake (2008)
Eden Lake (2008) follows the story of Jenny and her boyfriend as their romantic getaway turns into a nightmare when they get in a fight with teenagers...
Patient X (2009)
Patient X (2009) follows a story of a doctor whose brother was killed by an aswang (a Filipino folklore creature similar to vampire)...
The Fourth Kind (2009)
The Fourth Kind (2009) is a story of a doctor’s shocking claims of alien abductions connected to the disappearances in Nome, Alaska...
The Lighthouse (2019)
The Lighthouse (2019) is a story of two lighthouse keepers trying to keep their sanity as they live on a remote mysterious island in the 1890s...
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Thir13en Ghosts (2001) follows Arthur Kriticos and his children as their lives seem to turn better when they inherit a glass house from a dead uncle...