Madhouse (1974) follows a former act who has a mental breakdown but later reprises his acting role and is blamed for a string of murders.
The Beast Must Die (1974)
The Beast Must Die (1974) is about a wealthy hunter who invites five people to his mansion only to find out who of the five is a werewolf.
Black Christmas (1974)
Black Christmas (1974) is about sorority sisters being terrorized by an unknown killer who has infiltrated the house and threatens their life
Blood For Dracula (1974)
Blood For Dracula (1974) is about a dying Count Dracula and his quest to go to Italy to drink virgin blood so he can be healthy.
Seizure (1974)
Seizure (1974) is about an author who is tortured by his recurring nightmares only to wake up one day when his characters come to life.