July 29th 2020
Traveling along a road we came to a town, they were expecting us, my husband was led to another room, some other place, I was led upstairs, where a change of clothes had been laid out for me as the new owner of the estate, it was a teal dress with white Lillies, much too long and loose fitting for me, I suggested alterations, the woman beside me said it would be improper, I wanted it knee length, she said that would be Immodest, I wore it.
I was led to a tour of the rather large house, it was very old, it had many people, staff, and they all looked from another time. On the left side of the house there was a room full of sewing machines and sewing supplies, I insisted on altering the dress and only received a menacing gaze from the woman beside me, at that moment I understood she was the main housekeeper. The tour continued through the staff quarters, the main stairs. To the left side of the house, a butcher shop full of large meat scales and knives on the walls, where my husband was being weighed laid down as you would weigh a hog.
We went outside and were greeted by many children, all dressed in antique fashion, like that of the 1900’s behind them came more staff, I told them of toys and things from our time and they wouldn’t understand, my dog was there.
The atmosphere was eerie and people continued to gather, hundreds, and then they all started to fade, ghost like, as they led us to a sort of gallows, to be butchered.
It was there when I understood we had arrived in another time, and they wanted us to stay. I could see the silver SUV we had drove in start to fade in the distance.
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