Horror Movies Starting with L
Lake Mungo (2008)
Lake Mungo (2008) follows the story of the Palmer family and the strange events that happen after their daughter drowned in a lake...
Lake of Dracula (1971)
Lake of Dracula (1971) is about a woman who is haunted by her childhood experience with a vampire and later must face her fear...
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986) follows a flourist’s assistant, Seymour, who comes across a strange plant, named Audrey II, that grows from blood...
Live Feed (2006)
Live Feed (2006) follows a group of friends who venture to Asia for vacation but get trapped in an adult theatre by a local gang...
Llamageddon (2015)
Llamageddon (2015) follows Floyd and Mel who are terrorized by an evil llama along with the friends they invite to their grandmother's house...
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