The Ghost Knows (2017) Movie Review
Written By: FR
Edited By: Grave Reviews Staff
Film Information
Director: Swathi Bhaskar
Producer: Bala Vanumamalai
Writers: Swathi Bhaskar, Yassine Khedaioui, Bala Vanumamalai
Date Released: December 1, 2017
Maya Molly as Julie Anderson
Julio Mateo as Junior Doctor
Amy Polczer as Esther Macgerathouv Sanchez
Brent Zulyniak as James Anderson
Quinn Klaver as William Amantini
Kaleb Stolee as Dr. David
Helen Arvanitis as Sarah Anderson
Rating = 0.5/5 Graves
James is a rich IT businessman who takes his wife Sarah and kids Julie and Kevin to his newly bought summer house beside a lake. While spending quality time with his family, Kevin searching for his missing kite enters a haunted place and get possessed by a demonic spirit. The family finds him unconscious and rushed him to a hospital. The physician named Dr. David Woo, a friend and old school mate of James realized the boy is possessed by an unclean spirit and advises James to consult an exorcist to save Kevin.
Gore Factor
This is another demon possession movie but miles away from The Exorcist. Special effects were so bad and cheap. It tries to create an intense environment but with a catastrophic failure. It cannot take off from the bad script to the bad plot.
The Grave Review
The movie seemed to be made just to annoy viewers. The plot is so thin and the storyline has been used up several times. The special effects are dumb and so fake. The dialogues seemed to be done on the spot. There is no character development, just plain set of people screaming at each other. It’s more of a family drama than an all-out horror, with endless shots of family members hanging around in their home and walking through corridors. There are just a couple of possession scenes overall.
This movie is over-all badly made and not worth watching; terrible acting, bad script, erratic editing, very amateurish cinematography.
For the above reasons, Grave Reviews gives Ghost Knows (2017) half a grave out of five graves.
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