The Rental (2020) is about two couples who rent a property that at first appears to a normal place until unusual events start to occur.
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999) follows a teenager with telekinetic powers who avenges her best friend who committed suicide due to social pressure.
Red Riding Hood (2003)
Red Riding Hood (2003) follows a girl and her friend who roam the streets of Rome every night to exact justice and purge the city of sin.
Rattlesnake (2019)
Rattlesnake (2019) follows Katrina who must kill to repay the mysterious woman who miraculously heals her daughter who got bitten by a rattlesnake.
Red Christmas (2016)
Red Christmas (2016) about a family celebrating Christmas in Australia which tragically ends in bloodshed when a stranger comes knocking on the door.