Dead Silence (2007) follows a young man as he seeks to find the truth behind the death of his wife and the curse that’s been after his family for years.
Doll Graveyard (2005)
Doll Graveyard (2005) follows the story of Guy Fillbrook and the seemingly innocent dolls he finds buried in their backyard.
Cult of Chucky (2017)
Cult of Chucky (2017) follows a young woman, Nica who was framed with her family’s death by Chucky and is now institutionalized only to relive the terror.
Annabelle: Creation (2017)
Annabelle: Creation (2017) follows the story of a couple who welcome several girls from an orphanage after losing their daughter twelve years ago.
Dolls (1987)
Dolls (1987) follows Judy and her family who stay at a place filled with dolls when their car breaks down, but soon they realize the dolls are alive!