The Raven (1963) follows Eramus (Vincent Price) and Bedlo (Peter Lorre) as they venture to Dr. Scarabus’ castle to find Eramus’ missing wife, Lenore.
Paranoiac (1963)
Paranoiac (1963) is a story of a man long believed dead returns to the family estate to fight his family to claim his inheritance.
Kiss of the Vampire (1963)
Kiss of the Vampire (1963) is the story about Gerald and Marianne as they travel but get car wrecked and receive an invitation from a strange family.
Black Sabbath (1963)
Black Sabbath (1963) is a series of three short stories hosted by Boris Karloff which includes 1) The Telephone, 2) The Wurdalak and 3) The Drop of Water.
The Birds (1963)
The Birds (1963) follows the story of Melanie Daniels who visits Bodega Bay, California when the town is attacked by a massive array of birds.