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Killer Sofa (2019)
Killer Sofa (2019) follows a young lady, Francesca, who recently receives a recliner but the new furniture appears to have a mind of its own...
Deep Rising (1998)
Deep Rising (1998) follows the story of a new cruise ship, the Argonautica, and its encounter with dangers both on board and in the ocean...
Village of the Damned (1995)
Village of the Damned (1995) is about town who has a mysterious blackout that causes the birth of 9 weird children with supernatural powers...
Night of the Comet (1984)
Night of the Comet (1984) follows Regina and her young sister, Sam who fight for survival in a post-apocalyptic world and find survivors...
Shake Rattle and Roll 8 (2006)
Shake Rattle and Roll 8 (2006) is the eighth film in the franchise and consists of three stories, 1) 13th Floor, 2) Yaya and 3) LRT...
The Vampire Doll (1970)
The Vampire Doll (1970) follows Keiko and Hiroshi and they try to investigate the whereabouts of Keiko's brother and fiancé, Yuko...
Death Machine (1994)
Death Machine (1994) follows new CEO, Hayden Cale, and a group of humanists who must try to escape the grasps of a dangerous robot...
Christine (1983)
Christine (1983) is about a nerdy high school student, Arnie, who comes across and buys what seems to be a normal 1957 Plymouth but is it?...
Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead (2011)
Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead (2011) follows a group of friends who become infected with parasite turning them into butt zombies...
Sorority House Massacre (1986)
Sorority House Massacre (1986) follows a series of sorority sisters who stay at their sorority house but are stalked by a psychopath...
Shakma (1990)
Shakma (1990) follows the story of Shakma the baboon who is injected with an experimental drug that causes serious violent tendencies...
Two Evil Eyes (1990)
Two Evil Eyes (1990) is a Romero/Argento anthology consisting of two tales: The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar and The Black Cat...
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The Amityville Curse (1990)
The Amityville Curse (1990) follows a group of friends who decide to stay in the Amityville clergy house while trying to renovate it...
Shivers (1975)
Shivers (1975) follows a doctor who creates a parasite through unethical experiments that helps humans return to their animal-like instincts...
Perkins Township: A New England Ghost Town
Perkins Township is a ghost town located in New England, specifically near Swan Lake, Maine, but is it haunted? Check it out here...
The Haunting Ruins of Craco Italy
The Haunting Ruins of Craco Italy is an idyllic cliffside that was bustling with life several natural disasters became its downfall...
Soul Survivors (2001)
Soul Survivors (2001) follows the story of Cassie as she starts to experience strange occurrences after getting into a car accident...
Killer Sofa (2019)
Killer Sofa (2019) follows a young lady, Francesca, who recently receives a recliner but the new furniture appears to have a mind of its own...
Deep Rising (1998)
Deep Rising (1998) follows the story of a new cruise ship, the Argonautica, and its encounter with dangers both on board and in the ocean...
Smiley Face Killers: Real or Not?
The Smiley Face Killers Theory explores the possibility of an unidentified serial killer drugging young men before drowning them...
Village of the Damned (1995)
Village of the Damned (1995) is about town who has a mysterious blackout that causes the birth of 9 weird children with supernatural powers...
Night of the Comet (1984)
Night of the Comet (1984) follows Regina and her young sister, Sam who fight for survival in a post-apocalyptic world and find survivors...
Shake Rattle and Roll 8 (2006)
Shake Rattle and Roll 8 (2006) is the eighth film in the franchise and consists of three stories, 1) 13th Floor, 2) Yaya and 3) LRT...
The Vampire Doll (1970)
The Vampire Doll (1970) follows Keiko and Hiroshi and they try to investigate the whereabouts of Keiko's brother and fiancé, Yuko...