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The Driller Killer (1979)
The Driller Killer (1979) follows a struggling artist, Reno, who slowly loses his sanity and takes his frustration out on the homeless using a drill...
Bloody Pit of Horror (1965)
Bloody Pit of Horror (1965) follows a crew of photographers and cover girls who enter a castle to shoot a gothic photoshoot but become victimized...
Wax Mask (1997)
Wax Mask (1997) follows a young girl named Sonia who becomes an assistant at a wax museum but starts noticing strange things about the life-like statues...
The Raven (1963)
The Raven (1963) follows Eramus (Vincent Price) and Bedlo (Peter Lorre) as they venture to Dr. Scarabus' castle to find Eramus' missing wife, Lenore...
Blood Mania (1970)
Blood Mania (1970) follows Dr. Cooper as he is blackmailed by another man who demands $50,000 for his promise not to reveal the doctors dark secrets...
5ive Girls (2006)
5ive Girls (2006) follows wayward teenage girls who are sent to a reformatory and discover they possess unique powers to battle ancient demons...
The Hallow (2015)
The Hallow (2015) follows a family who moves into a remote house in Ireland and must fight off monstrous creatures who live in the woods...
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead (2009)
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead (2009) is about a group of criminals and an officer who meet a girl who’s running from mutant cannibals in the backwoods...
American Fright Fest (2018)
American Fright Fest (2018) is about a small rural town that runs a fright festival which becomes overrun by a insane inmate that begins to kill everyone...
Scream and Scream Again (1970)
Scream and Scream Again (1970) follows an investigation of crimes which are the result of surgically made super humans created by an evil scientist...
Home Movie (2008)
Home Movie (2008) follows a couple whose twin children show bizarre and even unsettling behavior which is documented on camera...
Guinea Pig 1: Devil’s Experiment (1985)
Guinea Pig 1: Devil’s Experiment (1985) is a film about three men who torture and abuse a woman in a series of stages until her death...
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Letchworth Village: A Facility of Tragic Events
Letchworth Village was a promising institution for the poor and mentally ill until maltreatment of patients became a norm in the facility...
The Tragic Story Behind the City of Pompeii Italy
The story behind Pompeii Italy starts with a cradle of Italian tourism before it was annihilated by the deadly Mount Vesuvius...
Naval Museum Complex Balaklava: Abandoned Soviet Submarine Base
Naval Museum Complex Balaklava was a top-secret military facility created by the USSR during the Cold War, located in Balaklava Bay, Crimea...
Orpheum Theatre in New Bedford, Massachusetts
The Orpheum Theatre in New Bedford opened on the same day the Titanic sank and was home to performances and films but deteriorated...
Ten Must See Horror Movies From the 60s and 70s
Ten Must See Horror Movies From the 60s and 70s. We gathered ten of the best horror flicks for you to add to your library of knowledge...
Hidden Secrets: The Haunting of the Monte Cristo Homestead
What once was the ultimate status symbol in the region, the Monte Cristo Homestead is now the most haunted house in Australia with secrets unimaginable...
31 Nights of Halloween 2020
FreeForm's 31 Nights of Halloween 2020 starts tonight, October 1st at 9:00 pm. Come check out the movie lineup for this Halloween...
Abkhazian Railway: The Abandoned Train station
Abkhazian Railway is located along a breakaway republic in the middle of Georgia and Russia, is a surreal railway leading to everywhere and nowhere...
Hotel del Salto: The Grand Building atop “Cursed” Waters
Hotel del Salto located in Bogotá, Colombi went from being a mega mansion on top of the Tequendama Falls to an abandoned hotel and eventual a suicide spot...
Dundas Castle: Is the Abandoned Structure Haunted or Not?
Dundas Castle found in the sleepy town of Roscoe, New York has a strange history. So the question is, is the castle haunted or not?...
Kilchurn Castle in Scotland
Kilchurn Castle is the ruin of a 15th century castle situated on a rocky area at the northeastern portion of Loch Awe in Argyll and Bute, Scotland...
Lake Shawnee Amusement Park: Abandoned Park in West Virginia
Lake Shawnee Amusement Park was a crowd favorite located in West Virginia which ultimately closed after a string of accidents that claimed young lives...