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Christmas Presence (2018)
Christmas Presence (2018) follows a young woman named McKenzie who believes her missing sister is in an strange estate nearby...
A Christmas Horror Story (2015)
A Christmas Horror Story (2015) is a series of short Christmas stories with a horrific twist that paints Santa is a different light...
All The Creatures Were Stirring (2018)
All The Creatures Were Stirring (2018) is a series of five short stories, all with distinct and creative twists on the Christmas season...
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999) follows a teenager with telekinetic powers who avenges her best friend who committed suicide due to social pressure...
Annabelle (2014)
Annabelle (2014) follows a young married couple who starts to get plagued by a doll that is manipulated by evil when they are expecting...
Species (1995)
Species (1995) is about a group of specialists chasing a hybrid creature who escaped a failed experiment combining alien DNA with human DNA...
Satan’s Cheerleaders (1977)
Satan’s Cheerleaders (1977) follows Benedict Highschool’s group of five risquet cheerleaders, known for their seductive and flirty motives...
The Last House on Dead End Street (1977)
The Last House on Dead End Street (1977) follows Terry and his crew who make visions of horror through the use of snuff films...
Blair Witch Project (1999)
Blair Witch Project (1999) follows Three students who make a documentary of the Black Hills lore about the Blair Witch, never to return again...
Castle Freak (1995)
Castle Freak (1995) is about a family who moved into a castle inhabited by the previous owner's son who is locked up in the dungeon...
The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
The Hills Have Eyes (1977) follows the Carters who become trapped in the desert, yet they aren’t alone nor the only ones that are left hungry...
Parents (1989)
Parents (1989) is about a little boy who suspects that his nightmares about his parents are true and they have been feeding him human meat...
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Manananggal in Manila (1997)
Manananggal in Manila (1997) follows sisters, Terry and Timmy who are in Manila during a time when the city is being terrorized by a creature...
The Faculty (1998)
The Faculty (1998) follows six students and their unlikely partnership after witnessing a suspected alien invasion involving their teachers...
The Last Broadcast (1998)
The Last Broadcast (1998) follows the story of the missing film crew and a journalist’s attempt to solve the murders and disappearance...
The West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville
The West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville is said to be one of the most haunted prisons in the U.S. and is now visited by many people...
The Dead Next Door (1989)
The Dead Next Door (1989) is about a task force during a zombie epidemic who must recover the serum formula to quickly kill the undead...
I, Madman (1989)
I, Madman (1989) is about a bookstore staff who reads a book and finds out that the story is coming to life, with her as the love interest...
Silent Hill Creator Working on New Upcoming Horror Game
Silent Hill Creator Working on New Upcoming Horror Game. Silent Hill is one of the biggest horror franchises in gaming history...
In Search of Darkness: Part II (2020)
In Search of Darkness: Part II (2020) explores eighties horror to have a closer look at some movies and topics that fans wanted to hear about...
The Turning (2020)
The Turning (2020) is about a woman who starts to work as a governess for two orphaned children only to end up dealing with strange ghosts...
The Mist (2007)
The Mist (2007) follows David and his son who are trapped in a supermarket when a mist engulfs the city bringing bloodthirsty creatures with it...
Wounds (2019)
Wounds (2019) follows a young man named Will who becomes increasingly erratic following a summoning ritual that uses wounds in the human body...
Christmas Presence (2018)
Christmas Presence (2018) follows a young woman named McKenzie who believes her missing sister is in an strange estate nearby...