Demonic assassin
It was years ago this true encounter took place… The state(s.c), the town(Summerville) when I was quite a bit younger, late teens, I was into some pretty dark stuff. Little did I realize what the consequences would be. You see before s.c I was in Portland Oregon where I began my decent into an inky black void. Siting spells from a very dark book. Had I realized what was to transpire I would have never dabbled. Later back home in s.c I moved into an apt. Weeks later I was forced to notice that I had a demonic presence that had been attached to me. It started simple enough, weird sounds, disembodied voices!and the t.v cutting on and off and scrolling through channels of its own accord. Then on one faithful accursed night I stood up from the couch to stretch, and that’s when I saw a shadow figure. It seemed to have been looking right at me, it was like looking at a living persons shadow. One horrific thing I noticed was the way it was acting, almost as if it where taunting me. It was blacker then the blackest night, a forever midnight and it seemed to stretch as high as the ceiling. Cascading down the drapes like black ink. Frozen in terror and disbelief, I stood as still as a statue. The shadow figure flew across the drapes and vanished leaving me in a state of shock and confussion. Exactly one night later, my girlfriend was visiting, so to enhance the Apts atmosphere I lit a really big and fat candle. It was gargantuan. Cut to her and I in the bedroom. No more than 10 mins later I heard a sound coming from the dining area. I can’t explain the noise, though it sounded like paper being crumbled. I got up to investigate, opened the bedroom door and witnessed a towering inferno totally engulfing the whole surface of the dining table. Flames that reached the ceiling! I knew something was amiss, the candle was too big and wide for it have fallen over. I also know that it would take longer than 10 mins to burn all the way down. I was so terrified I completely forgot what to do during a fire. With the help of neighbors the flame was extinguished. When the fd arrived. I told them exactly what happened, of course the didn’t believe me, but I know better, whatever ever evil presence that was there up until that night ,was trying to kill me.
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