Horror Movies Reviews
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Oculus (2013)
Oculus (2013) is about sister and brother, Kaylie and Tim, who are reunited and come across an ancient mirror which is said to take the lives of its owners...
Shutter (2004)
Shutter (2004) is about a man named Tun who recently killed a girl in a hit and run incident and is subsequently haunted and terrorized by the girl's ghost...
Eli (2019)
Eli (2019) is about a boy who is allergic to everything and is brought to a house where he is overseen by Dr. Horn, but the doctor may have secret plans...
Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
Rosemary’s Baby (1968) is about Rosemary and her husband, Guy, who move into a house. When Rosemary has pregnancy complications, the neighbors help her...
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) is about two girls who return to their hometown who are tortured by their stepmother and trying to recover from their pasts...
Exte: Hair Extensions (2017)
Exte: Hair Extensions (2017) is about an embalmer who discovers a body that continues to grow hair and starts to sell the hair to salons as extensions...
Sleepaway Camp (1983)
Sleepaway Camp (1983) is about a girl named Angela who goes away to a camp but struggles with her past and is bullied by her colleagues...
The Terror of Hallow’s Eve (2017)
The Terror of Hallow's Eve (2017) is about Tim who is bullied and subsequently finds a book which gives him the ability to wish death on his bullies...
Excess Flesh (2015)
Excess Flesh (2015) is about Jill who struggles with her eating addiction. At one point, Jill chain her friend up when she loses all sense of reality...
The Final Wish (2018)
The Final Wish (2018) is about a young attorney, Aaron, who discovers an urn during an estate sale that causes everything he wishes for to come true...
Mad Doctor of Blood Island (1969)
Mad Doctor of Blood Island (1969) is a story about people who are being experimented on by an evil scientist that causes them to turn into green monsters...
Dead or Buried (1981)
Dead or Buried (1981) is about Sheriff Dan Gillis who investigates the strange disappearances and murders that are occurring within his town...
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