Pentagon UFO Report to be Released June 2021
In December 2017, the New York Times released front page news about UFO sightings which trended all over the globe. Parapsychologists and ufologists took center stage and UFO followers had their day. Speculation was rife and this amplified creating a worldwide discussion. It was a memorable day.
Pentagon Plans to Release UFO Reports
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) has planned to formally release a UFO report towards the end of June 2021 which addresses the question of the existence of extraterrestrial life as some refer to it. It is speculated that they are poised to answer the question on our minds – Is there anything out there? Or, as Barrack Obama pertinently queried when he first started his tenure at the White House – Is there a lab somewhere where we are keeping the aliens? Certainly, media has hyped the question, but some are still skeptical.
Earlier UFO Sightings
Interestingly, this was a long time coming. Many decades earlier in 1947, there was a sighting in Washington which was a landmark moment in UFO history. Kenneth Arnold, a pilot, was driving down a road and claimed he looked out of his car and to his utter surprise saw a string of nine, shiny unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainier. He estimated that these objects were flying at speeds as fast as 1,200 miles an hour!
Then in 2012, a barely known meeting referred to as ‘’The Gathering’’ was held. A group of anonymous speakers were present and they agreed and acknowledged the presence of aliens. A number of individuals spoke about their Awakening Experience in which they confronted UFOs, extraterrestrial life and even alien abductions.

Alleged UFO sighting
What is Ufology?
Ufology as a field delves into the length and breadth of the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects and extraordinary origins of life. Meanwhile, followers of UFO Religions adhere to the belief that ETs are interested in the welfare of humanity and we will soon become a part of a pre-existing ET civilization. They believe that it is only a matter of time.
Presidents have previously posed their own questions
During his tenure, Donald Trump spearheaded the creation of the United States Space Force. He was prompted to create this task force after facing a perplexing situation. Israeli Intelligence had made him aware of a real group of aliens referred to as the Galactic Federation of Aliens who had come in contact with them. Though, they had made their presence known to the intelligence group however, they believed the world was not ready and knowledge of their existence might create mass hysteria.
Recently, Barrack Obama was interviewed on The Late Late Show with James Corden. Bandleader, Reggie Watts queried him about alien phenomena. Obama urged us to ‘get serious about this’ though, he also stated that there were ‘some things which he just could not share’. This is a blind spot which would keep the us on edge, especially given the credentials of the person speaking.
Followers of the UFO religion are touting 2021 as the awaited Year of Disclosure. At long last, they believe that this is the year when the human race collectively must accept the reality that the Earth holds extraterrestrial life after secrecy, government cover ups and blatant lies.
Allegedly, the Government has spent nearly $22 Million dollars in this area. If this is the case, it would only seem fair to see what if anything has been found out. If nothing else, it would certainly make for some nice light reading.
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