The Secret (2018) aka The Secret: Suster Ngesot Urban Legend Movie Review
Written By: FR
Edited By: Grave Reviews Staff
Film Information
Directors: Raffi Ahmad, Arie Azis
Writers: Demas Garin, Talitha Tan
Producers: Raffi Ahmad, Arie Azis
Date Released: 26 April 2018
Raffi Ahmad as Teddy
Marshanda as Marsha
Roy Marten as Ridwan
Tyas Mirasih as Sofie
Kartika Putri as Putri
Nagita Slavina as Kanaya
Mongol Stres as Mantri Ismet
Lia Waode as Suster Yoyom
Rating = 1/5 Graves
***May contain some spoilers***
The Secret (2018) follows Kanaya who has recently returned home from her trip studying abroad in Australia. While, Kanaya was studying abroad, she discovers that her father, Ridwan has married a young girl named Sofie who is the same age as Kanaya. When Ridwan throws a homecoming party for Kanaya, she sees her ex-boyfriend, Teddy, making out with Sofie. Frustrated by these sights, she storms out of the house and drives away. As she begins driving, a bad storm starts and her ability to see the road is impaired. While driving, she hits a woman in the road, slams into a tree and passes out. When she awakes, Teddy is next to her and tells her that she did not hit a woman but merely lost control of the vehicle. Reluctant to believe Teddy, Kanaya becomes increasingly suspicious as occurrences start to transpire.
Gore Factor
The Secret (2018) does not contain a lot of blood or fore. There are however jump scares as well as the frequent appearance of an old woman who makes disturbing movements. The special effects and makeup design are respectable but not impressionable nor scary such as the ghosts. The film utilizes a very generic looking Asian style ghost which pop up occasionally.
The Grave Review
The Secret (2018) is an incredibly boring and slow film. It was clear that the scenes in the hospital were intended to create an eerie atmosphere. However, these hospital scenes failed to deliver on their intended purpose. The Secret created unrealistic scenarios such as the fact that the hospital consisted of some empty rooms and noises which would not happen in any modern hospital. At least the filmmakers should be able to inject some sense of reality to make the scenes more believable.
The performance of the actors are below subpar. The performances by Kanaya (played by Nagita Slavina) and Teddy (played by Raffi Ahmad) are very one-dimensional. There is really nobody that stands out, just stiff and understated performance at all levels. The film also incorporated a series of other characters such as the Yoga teacher Putri (Kartika Putri) and her daughter Kemala (Kanaya Gleadys), but these too were not very interesting characters.
Overall, the film fails to accomplish what it originally sets out for, a horror movie with a very generic plot. The movie unintentionally resembles a collection of scary events put together. There was nothing original about the film as it implemented the usual scare tactics such as doors and windows that open, close and lock themselves and voices reciting creepy nursery rhymes.
For the foregoing reasons, Grave Reviews gives The Secret (2018) one grave out of five graves.
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